
Rock Wrap:



Extension: Balloon Wrap

My original intent was to create a basket using the rock wrap technique. I wrapped the balloon and covered the string with glue. After letting the glue dry, I cut the top off the balloon to let the air out slowly. The glue indeed made the string rigid, but it did not detach itself as hoped. The result was unexpectedly amazing.

Knit & Crochet

Crochet: Teen Beanie

Knit & Pearl:

Extension: Reclaimed Fiber

My plan for this project is to unravel the fibers from a preformed garment and repurpose them for another use. Specifically I had the idea to take fibers from a garment of my wife's and mine and use them together to create something else using crochet or knitting, symbolizing our intertwined relationship.


Spinning Wool:

Extension: Spinning Aluminum Foil



Extension: Breaking Planes

I was thinking about the concept of embroidery. What sets it apart is the idea that the needle and thread are constantly working themselves through the fabric. I tried to think about how I move through spaces which led me to the idea of breaking spatial planes. When we enter a space, we break the plane of a wall through a doorway. Every plane is broken twice: entrance and exit. This video is a sample breaking planes in my home.



Extension: Digital Weaving

Many of theses tasks consist physical actions to push, pull, tie, and loop fiber. I wanted to see if any could be achieved digitally. In this video, you will see my attempts to weave digitally. Using Adobe Illustrator, I set up three layers. In the middle layer is the digital representation of the warp thread. There is a top layer and a bottom layer. The vectors alternate going above and below the middle warp layer creating a digital weave.

Rigid Hinge

Peyote Stitch:

Extension: Rigid Hinge

I was thinking about a simple suspension bridge as a rigid hinge: stiff boards threaded together. I began making a sample for a simple suspension bridge. After threading one side I picked it up and discovered the formations that were created with only one side connected. This became much more interesting to me than my original intent.


3D Form: Cube

Breaking the plane:

Extension: Fabricating space

After making my 3D shape with sewing I couldn't help but imagine making a large scale version that I could fit inside. Then I realized that a tent is exactly that: a space made with sewing. This led to the idea of sewing my own canvas tent and using it for camping trips. I will have fabricated my own space that I can occupy anywhere in the vastness of the wilderness. It brings up the ideas of portable spaces like Do Ho Suh.